Påskaftons-Elitstafett-Testrace (03/04/2021)
Category: Competition
Map/area: Mölnlycke
Organiser: GMOK
Country: Sweden
Discipline: Long
In the beginning I obviously took not always the best route and ran not that sufficient. I was too much to the right to control 1 and I don't actually know why I ran so much to the left, away from control 1. But after that I came into a really good flow and could push quite hard. I lost maybe 10 seconds again to control 9, because control 8 was a little bit wrong, but otherwise really satisfied, especially with the speed.
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Påskaftons-Elitstafett-Testrace (03/04/2021) Påskaftons-Elitstafett-Testrace (03/04/2021)